Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2010

La Joyeuse Apocalypse

Ein Titel auf den BIG IN JAPAN CDs heißt "La Joyeuse Apocalypse". Ich ließ das mal von Google übersetzen und bekam, ...allen Ernstes: "Die Homosexuell Apokalypse" (!)
Nee, nee, das war so natürlich nicht von uns gemeint. Richtig war & ist nämlich: Die fröhliche (vergnügte, freudige, lustige) Apokalypse.

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Who said that?
"I mean, if it shakes your ass, it must be alright!"

A bit of help: it's a living musician who spoke in an interview about an older song he wrote forty years earlier.

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Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

ha !
I write like
Edgar Allan Poe

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

...says a test. I had to give the computer one of my own English textes to analyze it. I took a longer text from a recent issue of THE KS CIRCLE. The result, see above. A second try with another text showed the same result.
I also made three tests with different German text of mine, also taken from THE KS CIRCLE. Here I got the results that I write like: 1) Ingo Schulze, 2) Hegel, and 3) Goethe. ha!

Der deutsche Test ist hier. Und hier ist ein Artikel dazu.

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Montag, 13. September 2010

Wenn man nicht aller selbst macht

Germany's largest CD dealers gave and give a release date for LA VIE ELECTRONIQUE Vol. 9 ...which is wrong: "24 September".
I just spoke with KS who was quite astonished about the published release date for LVE 9, and promptly the label was contacted and asked. Therefore, I can inform you here & now: Amazon, JPC and the others (incl. our official Website) were and are wrong: it's not the 24th of September, but LVE 9 will be released in January next year. The label will also inform the dealers immediately, ...I was told.

The date in the official KS website can only be corrected when my webmaster is back from a short holiday. So, do not wonder if you still read there the obsoled & wrong September date.

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Samstag, 11. September 2010

KS news

A foreign release is to be announced for 22 September 2010:
A double CD and a DVD will be released in Japan; it contains the audio and video recordings of Klaus Schulze's two Tokyo concerts in March 2010, combined in a limited edition box. I must add: a luxurious box. With a photo book. And not cheap (15,000 Yen = 140 Euros!). More info here.
The double CD with 147 minutes of music contains 5 tracks from both concerts. The DVD contains two long tracks of 35 and 45 minutes; the longer track - with some minutes of KS playing electric guitar - is only on the DVD, not on the CDs.
I'm sure that a European release will follow; not so extravagant & not so costly. More will be announced in the official KS website, at the proper time.
PS: A better photo is in "Kommentar"

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Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Nur noch 108 Tage bis Heiligabend

Seit heute gibt's bei Kaiser's die ersten Weihnachts-Sachen: Lebkuchen, Spekulation, Dominosteine etc.
Siehe auch meinen Eintrag zu einem anderen Feiertag

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