Montag, 13. September 2010

Wenn man nicht aller selbst macht

Germany's largest CD dealers gave and give a release date for LA VIE ELECTRONIQUE Vol. 9 ...which is wrong: "24 September".
I just spoke with KS who was quite astonished about the published release date for LVE 9, and promptly the label was contacted and asked. Therefore, I can inform you here & now: Amazon, JPC and the others (incl. our official Website) were and are wrong: it's not the 24th of September, but LVE 9 will be released in January next year. The label will also inform the dealers immediately, ...I was told.

The date in the official KS website can only be corrected when my webmaster is back from a short holiday. So, do not wonder if you still read there the obsoled & wrong September date.