Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

I repeat ...repeat ...peat ...peat ...t ...t

Again and again people ask me in mails when Klaus Schulze will play a concert in their town, in their country, anywhere else, or at all. It's an understandable request. But in my answering mails I can only repeat what is already given in plain words on the opening page of the official KS website, more or less since its existence:
"The date of any seriously planned concert by Klaus will be put immediately into this website."
(..and, yes, here too.)

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Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010


The Japanese Box BIG IN JAPAN is sold out. All 500 are sold. I fear that the first offers at ebay will come soon.
I know that the Japanese have a contractual option to manufacture more copies, up to 2,000. If they want. Of course, this depends on the Nachfrage, hey, what is "Nachfrage" in English? ... (thanks:) It depends on the demand. And of course, the Japanese will also take in account the rivalry of the - much cheaper but not so luxurious - German release at the end of November. We have to wait and watch.

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Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010


Gestern in der Innenstadt. In einer Gegend mit ausschließlich avantgardistischen Mode- und Kunstläden, seh' ich plötzlich auf der anderen Straßenseite über einem Schaufenster in großen, verzierungsfreien Lettern die Ladenbezeichnung: MÖRDER.
Nanu? Was'n das? Eine besonders verrückte Boutique? Heißt der Modeschöpfer womöglich Karl-Heinz Moerder und traut sich was?
Nee, es war nur ein ganz altmodischer Schlachter, Metzger, Fleischer. Der - ehrlicher als alle Friseurläden ("komm-hair!") - sich einen sehr passenden, ja: schlichten Namen verpasst hat, der zudem Aufmerksamkeit verspricht. Ob's allerdings den Umsatz wirklich hoch treibt, wage ich nicht zu beurteilen. Geht mich auch nix an.

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Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

And now for something completely different...:

Here is a (more or less) recent photo with a reflective and relaxed Klaus Schulze, sitting snugly in his studio, enjoying his Tokyo success. My immediate impression: he looks a bit tired, but healthy.
(Yes, there is even a studio part without any technique)

Photo made on 10 June 2010 by Georg Stettner

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Montag, 11. Oktober 2010


One month ago I announced that the precious BIG IN JAPAN recordings (audio and video) will be also released in Europe, sooner or later. Now I can report that such a release will come already in November.
It will be a "normal" 3-disc set with two CDs and one DVD, containing the same music and video as the Japanese release, but without the thick photo book and, most important: for a normal price.

The sad side effect is, that the next release (Volume 9) in the LVE series will be not until May 2011. Remember? First, the release of LVE 9 was scheduled for September, then January, and now in May. I wonder...

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