Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Because it affects me

"Younger people do know... that fashionable clothes, McDonald's, and joints are not for free. But they don't want to understand that they should pay for music, for newspapers and even for books. Their opinion will be supported by many media experts and journalists, who, at the same time, don't want to waive their rights on their own salary and pension." (H.M. Enzensberger, 2008, freely translated by me).

"Jüngeren Generationen ist zwar bekannt, dass es Klamotten, Hamburger und Joints normalerweise nicht gratis gibt; sie sehen aber nicht ein, warum sie für Musik, für Zeitungen oder gar für Bücher zahlen sollen. (Darin werden sie von vielen Medienwissenschaftlern und Journalisten bestärkt, die allerdings nur ungern auf ihre Gehälter und Pensionen verzichten würden.)" Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 2008

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Montag, 25. Februar 2013

For our Italian KS friends
(a review)

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Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

The Schulze-Schickert Session 1975

The Russians were busy to celebrate Xmas (for two weeks), then there was the MIDEM in the South of France, ...but "now we are beginning to prepare one of our best releases" as they have told me, ....two weeks ago.
And whoopee: The release of "The Schulze-Schickert Session 1975" is announced for the 4th of March. Available from the dealer of your trust (and not just in Russia).


The MIRUMIR label is an LP label and the main release is the LP (they love vinyl). But of course they also do CDs. In addition the do a limited edition of only 300 "digipack" CDs, all numbered from 1/300 to 300/300 (...because there are people who buy these things?! ...even if it contains the same music as not "normal" CD).
Catalogue numbers are: MIR 100704 LP, and MIR 100704 CD.


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Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

... spannend! ...

Sag ich's nicht seit Jahren? Im neuen Henscheid (p. 344) kann ich lesen, dass das Modewort auch ihm auf die Nüsse geht: "...weil sie jetzt nichts mehr Genaueres wissen, weil sie ab sofort nur noch "spannend!" krähen müssen...". Und auf p. 312 hat er richtig erkannt, wo das Geistverlassene herkommt, resp. zu Hause ist: " »Spannung« (TV-Volksmund) "

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Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

Once upon a time in America
In the year of this poster - 1960 - I started to listen, to buy & collect only jazz and blues records, from King Oliver to Charles Mingus, from Charley Patton to Sonny Boy Williamson II, ...and all between.

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