Montag, 6. Juni 2011

La Vie Electronique

The release of LA VIE ELECTRONIQUE 10 is announced for late June 2011. The three discs contain recordings from the years 1985 to '92, from concerts, as well as studio recordings and two soundtracks. And a ten-minute BONUS track not released before, from a concert encore in Aachen, 1985. And a five-minute interview from the Spain tour 1991 as additional bonus. The other tracks were formerly released on "Jubilee Edition", one track on "Historic Edition". The full entry in the official KS website's discography will follow soon.

(KS at Cologne Cathedral, 11 May 1991 © by kdm)

German Amazon offers already the mp3 download, but: who will really neglect the set's beautiful packaging (by Thomas Ewerhard) with the many topical photos and the stories about all the tracks' origins, as well as Lars Fischer's written contribution "From the Northern Lights of Scandinavia to the Barcelona Sun" in English ...und Deutsch.

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