Donnerstag, 17. August 2023


"Man bringe die Menschen in die Städte, gebe ihnen eine digitale Währung und schon hat man die ultimative Formel für absolute Herrschaft."

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Montag, 31. Juli 2023


Die ARD war im Jahr 2007 noch recht kritisch.

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Dienstag, 18. Juli 2023

From an older issue of "The KS Circle" ... (Nostalgic recollection, pt. 38)

Noch nie fragte ein Interviewer Klaus Schulze: "Lieben Sie Ihren Beruf?"
Instead they alsways ask "What is your message?"

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Montag, 17. Juli 2023

Sex & Drugs & Rock'n'Roll (or: What only matters)

In the very early seventies I was tourmanager with a variety of Jazz and Rock artists and groups. A few months after a two weeks tour in Germany with a famous British rock group, I visited the group's leader and singer singer in London, and later he visited me in Berlin. From our conversations I remember an interesting topic. He mentioned that he only makes music because of the girls. I never had different impressions. Later I heard this truism often from musicians, be it in a jolly mood, or seriously. And yesterday night I was reading again some of Victor Auburtin's (1870-1928) feuilletons, this one is from the year 1909:

"He could eat and drink, and in the evening he could take a Syrian girl to bed with, or an Armenian, or a Greek, as it was the will. And this, in the cold light of day (= bei Licht betrachtet), is the main issue, this is what only matters, solely."
Dire Straits:
"Money for nothing / and the chicks for free"

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Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

Kurz & knapp (LXII)

In der Kunst gilt das Recht des Besseren.

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Samstag, 24. Juni 2023

Schöne Sätze XLIII

Der Nebel war so dicht, dass ich Löcher hineintreten konnte. (Bill Bryson, unterwegs)

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Freitag, 16. Juni 2023


"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't."

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