Mittwoch, 29. April 2020

kurz & knapp XLII

Gesichter, die in die Hose gehen.(Tucho)

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Samstag, 25. April 2020

Turning Forests into Profit

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs
Planet of the Humans
"Burning trees to create electricity"
"They're hiding under a cover of Green"
"And why, for most of my life, had I fallen for the illusion green energy would save us?"

Solar- und Windkraftanlagen produzieren nicht ausreichend Energie, um die Energie aufzuwiegen, die für ihre Produktion benötigt wird.

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From a shoe shop?

Still, I get mails in which unknown people ask me seriously where they can buy Schulze's music. Because, as the last one who wrote: "...unfortunately, I can't find lots of them in Amazon"
. . . . Not even in Amazon? Strange. And irritating. For a little test I checked German Amazon and of course and as always, I found a lot of KS albums; too much to count; hundreds, I suppose. As CDs, as LPs, and as downloads. Non-German Amazons have similar offerings. I also tried at German JPC mail-order and they gave me a detailed answer: they offer exactly 99 CDs and LPs by Klaus Schulze. And there are still people who are not able to find those...? The one who had asked did not write where he lives, maybe on a small island somewhere? But after all, he must have internet because he had sent an e- mail.
. . . . Sometimes I'm at a loss. At least when it comes to certain people's demands and wishes.

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Montag, 20. April 2020

Schöne Sätze XIII (Wiederholung)
Käsekuchen muss noch warm sein.

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Sonntag, 19. April 2020


Der Bär blickt zaghaft in die Welt
ob sie ihm immer noch gefällt.

Wie herrlich ist es, nichts zu tun
und dann vom Nichtstun auszuruhn

Медведь робко смотрит на мир...
если он ему все еще нравится.

Как чудесно ничего не делать.
а потом отдохнуть от того, чтобы ничего не делать

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Samstag, 18. April 2020


Da sitz' ich nun, ich armer Bär
Und bin so klug als wie zuvär.

(J.W. Gaethe)

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