Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020

kurz & knapp XLIV

Früher haben die Kinder ihre Eltern mit Rock-Musik genervt, heute ist es umgekehrt.

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Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020

From "The KS Circle" # 38 ... (Nostalgic recollection, pt. 24)

In 1999, a friend wanted to put together a CD-Box for an American label that should include the pioneers of Electronic Music, those who were influential and important for this genre. He asked for my opinion. I answered in length, and my choices were this:
From the names you give I would select with my well-known strictness :-)
Stockhausen's "Gesang der Jünglinge" (tell the people that this was it, maily. 96% of what else he did, is NOT electronic or even electric. Besides, this track didn't influence the young people but it only shocked some of the older, "serious" academic people who didn't and never will have any influence on the young music scene. When "Gesang der Jünglinge" came out, the youngsters were listening to Belafonte, Elvis (four No.1 singles and two No.1 albums in the USA in that one year), The Platters, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Lonnie Donegan's "Rock Island Line", Bill Haley, Gene Vincent, Johnny Ray, ...and to a certain Pat Boone.

Eno (an early track. If he ever would have made it without the immense & flashy "Roxy Music" fame?

Tangerine Dream's second or third album. Zeit or Alpha Centauri is a good choice.

Kraftwerk. An earlier track than "Robots".

Edgar Varèse.

Pierre Henry. I saw and heard him recently, also his new CD. He's stuck deeply in the fifties. Each of today's teenage Techo DJ makes better "electronic". But Henry's early collaboration with a pop group were of some influence, at least then. I think the group was "Spooky Tooth".

Walter Carlos of course. In my humble opinions it all started with him in the late sixties. Before, ?electronic music? or ?synthesizers? did not exist in peoples? minds. Try to get his "Timesteps," said KS.

Morton Subotnick "Silver Apples on the Moon".

Ussachevsky. A fifties' title as example for all the academics who did similar experiments at the universities in Princetown, Paris, Utrecht, and Leningrad.

Tonto's Expanding Head Band.

Schulze (an early track, from "Irrlicht" for instance. He was indeed the only one who seriously und totally experimented with electronic sounds since the early seventies and outside & beyond the "serious" academic circles ... who did not stop, and who influenced all those synthesizer one-man-shows who came up in the late seventies, and still :-)

Beaver & Krause.

White Noise. "Electric Storm" (1969) was a widely known and influencial album.

Mort Garson (plenty of popular and strictly electronic albums).

...and that's all that comes spontaneously to my mind. Some of the names from your list are new to me (probably just known in the USA?), some I would place in the eighties, and some are better known for doing this or that, but they were of no "electronic" influence. The "Theremin" or the "Trautonium" come to my mind, they are still (for 60 years now) just novelties, funny inventions that had and still have no influence whatsoever. It's just that journalists mention these strange looking & sounding, unique instruments again and again. After all, it's a headline and a story the sensation of a two-headed dog :-) It doesn't belong into a serious sampler.

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Samstag, 9. Mai 2020

Simple truth pt. 63

"Anlässlich des Tags der Befreiung, der heute in Berlin als offizieller Feiertag begangen wird, möchte ich kurz darauf hinweisen, dass nicht wir befreit wurden. Europa wurde von uns befreit.

Es ist zynisch, wenn wir jetzt so tun, als seien wir Deutschen, quasi alles unschuldige Passanten, von den fiesen Nazis befreit worden. Wir wurden nicht von den Nazis befreit. Wir waren die Nazis. Den Tag der Befreiung sollten daher meiner Ansicht nach die Opfer feiern, nicht wir.

...und dass die Mehrheit heute ernsthaft glaubt, von den Amerikanern befreit worden zu sein. Tatsächlich waren es die Russen."
(Fefe 8. Mai 2020)
Siehe auch "Tag des Sieges"

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Florian Schneider-Esleben †
Klaus Schulze hat einen guten Freund verloren.

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Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2020


"Masken sind mehr so eine Art Placebo, man könnte auch seitwärts durch Türen gehen vorschreiben. Bei meiner kleinen Tochter hilft Tesafilm über dem Bauchnabel gegen autokrank. Der Glaube, nichts anderes."

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Montag, 4. Mai 2020


Ein Bär, der Zeitung liest, erfährt:
"Die Lage völlig ungeklärt."
Weil dies seit Adam so gewesen,
Wozu denn da noch Zeitung lesen?

(1935 als "Ein Mensch" statt Bär, von Eugen Roth)
(Die Zeichnung ist, wie immer, von Julia)

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Samstag, 2. Mai 2020

kurz & knapp XLIII

Entweder man ist gut – oder man braucht P.R.

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Donnerstag, 30. April 2020

"Here is a new cartoon I drew these days. the title is: Music can defeat Corona. Best wishes for you and Klaus Schulze."(Mohammad Reza Akbari)

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Mittwoch, 29. April 2020

kurz & knapp XLII

Gesichter, die in die Hose gehen.(Tucho)

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Samstag, 25. April 2020

Turning Forests into Profit

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs
Planet of the Humans
"Burning trees to create electricity"
"They're hiding under a cover of Green"
"And why, for most of my life, had I fallen for the illusion green energy would save us?"

Solar- und Windkraftanlagen produzieren nicht ausreichend Energie, um die Energie aufzuwiegen, die für ihre Produktion benötigt wird.

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From a shoe shop?

Still, I get mails in which unknown people ask me seriously where they can buy Schulze's music. Because, as the last one who wrote: "...unfortunately, I can't find lots of them in Amazon"
. . . . Not even in Amazon? Strange. And irritating. For a little test I checked German Amazon and of course and as always, I found a lot of KS albums; too much to count; hundreds, I suppose. As CDs, as LPs, and as downloads. Non-German Amazons have similar offerings. I also tried at German JPC mail-order and they gave me a detailed answer: they offer exactly 99 CDs and LPs by Klaus Schulze. And there are still people who are not able to find those...? The one who had asked did not write where he lives, maybe on a small island somewhere? But after all, he must have internet because he had sent an e- mail.
. . . . Sometimes I'm at a loss. At least when it comes to certain people's demands and wishes.

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Mittwoch, 22. April 2020

Discover Trakl
. starts their HOME EDITION programme in the www on Thursday the 23rd April. Among the many presentations will be a video performance by a duo who plays Klaus Schulze's composition DISCOVER TRAKL, which Klaus originally had composed and recorded in 1978, and which I had released in 2000 in the 50-CD set "The Ultimate Edition".

See here:

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