Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

Opa erzählt vom...

And here is the announced French film about TD and Nico 1974 in Reims Cathedral. It is nice to see my old friend Assaad again; we had a lot of fun together during the concerts in France with Agitation Free, Ash Ra Tempel, T.D., KS, in the early seventies (and later).
In autumn '74, Assaad had asked me to check the technical possibilities of the Reims Cathedral, for a possible concert of Tangerine Dream, and I travelled from Berlin to Reims, inspected the "stage" (the chancel) and the cathedral's electric capacity. For the actual concert on 13 December 1974 I was again in Reims, 'cause Assaad had given me the job of the stage manager.
Oddly enough... I don't remember any film cameras on stage during this concert.


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