Freitag, 12. November 2010

Deutsche Welle

The 2-part TV documentation "Maschinenmusik - Four Deacades of Electronic & Dance from Germany" will be broadcasted on DW-TV on 18 und 25 November (and replays one or two days later), in German, English, Spanish and Arabic language, in Africa, North & South America, Asia & Arabia.
For the actual hour of broadcast you should check for PopXport at Deutsche Welle. There will be also a Live Stream.
For this documentation, KS was interviewed & filmed in his studio, in June 2010. But... I suppose, the programme will concentrate more on the German "pop" music, than on a singular pioneer such as Klaus Schulze.
(I tried hard to find this programme on the DW website, but in vain. It's shortly mentioned just here in a trailer for some November programmes, start at 00:40).

... link