Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Nie mehr Mozzarella?

Mein Lieblingskoch Vincent berichtet gerade auf seiner site:
(runterscrollen bis 20. Januar 2015)
Nun ist dieses weiße Zeugs also auch...

... link

Montag, 19. Januar 2015


...I got my copies of "Stars are Burning", digital as well as old-fashioned double LP, and maybe someone should mention that these black platters are "180 Gram Vinyl Records". So, I will do it: the double long-play "Stars are Burning" are made with 185 GRAM VINYL. I weighed it and in fairness I can described the whole now as: "510 gram heavyweight gatefold sleeve"!

... link

Freitag, 9. Januar 2015


Wieso kann man nirgends (!) den Porzellan-Stößel zum Mörser separat kaufen?


Das Teil ist aus Porzellan, der Stößel fällt gerne mal in der Küche auf den harten Boden und... klickeradonggg! ist er zerbrochen. Und einen neuen gibt's nur zusammen mit dem Mörser; den hab' ich aber schon.

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Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

...a typical question:

Dear Mr. Mueller,
Happy new year. Wish you and Klaus and families the best in 2015.
I was wondering how I can find STARS ARE BURNING online. I live in Canada and I can't find it in Amazon and other online shopping websites.
I will be grateful if you help me with this.
All the best, Sina

...and my answer:

and thanks for your interest and your good wishes.
I can see this double CD offered in Amazon.de, in British Amazon.co.uk, in Italian Amazon.it, and even in American Amazon: http://amzn.to/1BE39qi
Then I found it quickly in:
German JPC.de (recommended) =
(I know that JPC also sends abroad; additional postage to Canada: 9.99 Euros)

British Amazon.
Italian Amazon.
French "fnac" =

...and there are surely some smaller mail-orders in this or that country, who are specialized in "electronic music" or other exotic music, and who will have it.
Best regards, kdm

... link

Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014


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Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014

Zum Jahreswechsel: Alles Gute !
wünschen Julia & kdm

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Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

Bin böse

Nicht über die Geschenke, achwo, nein, natürlich nicht.
Aber: nie wieder Weihnachten in dieser Pension im Harz, in einem Haus und einer Ferienwohnung vollgepackt mit kitschigem Nippes; dazu diese abgeschmackte Plastikbettwäsche im knalligen Blümchenmuster ...und dann noch: die Heizung war wohl an einen Zufallsgenerator angeschlosssen, der auf "sparen! sparen! sparen!" programmiert war; die Heizung also öfter aus- als anschaltete, brrrr...

kdm mit neuem - warmen - Hemd und neuer - warmer - Mütze; beides Weihnachtsgeschenke von Julia, die auch das Foto schoss

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Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

Not the newest (but the best)

Klaus' last studio album is nearly two years old ... but this just published review is worth a read.
(...same as the former articles about KS, by Tobias Fischer, such as this, or this)

... link

Samstag, 29. November 2014

The titles

To answer possible questions about the contents of the new album STARS ARE BURNING, here is a pic taken from page 184 of the detailed discography KS - THE WORKS:


The album is of course available worldwide from your trusted dealer. Hopefully soon (see entry below, of 18 November). And, yes, I have plans for additional releases of this kind. Hang on.

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Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Have you ever...

...asked yourself what happens in Klaus Schulze's head when he plays music? ...and what in your's when you listen? Then, watch these nearly five minutes (in English):
Less top-heavy is this touching explanation of (more or less 'classical') music.

... link