Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021

From an older issue of "The KS Circle" ... (Nostalgic recollection, pt. 31)

I don't make music myself, at least not professionally. I believe that the many music I am listening to is more important to me than the music I would play myself. I can and I do listen to all the music that I like, ...but I could not play what I would like to play, because a musician can only play music that he is able to play.(kdm, The KS Circle # 67, based on an idea of J.L. Borges)

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kurz & knapp XLVII

"Ich komm' mir vor wie ein Staatsfeind."
"Momentan könntest du stolz darauf sein."(TV Krimi "Wilsberg. Überwachen und belohnen", ZDF 2021)

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