Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023

(Reprise:) Erfüllte Prophezeiung

"Vielleicht wird man am Ende des Jahrhunderts zwei Klassen unterscheiden, von denen sich die eine durch Fernsehen, die andere durch Lesen bildete." (Ernst Jünger, 1979, ("Tagebücher V")

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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023

Viele der Rätsel lösen sich in Luft auf, sobald man fragt, wie es überhaupt entstehen konnte

Alles ist, wie es ist, weil es so geworden ist. (D'Arcy Thompson, 1917)

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Dienstag, 9. Mai 2023


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Samstag, 29. April 2023

1. Mai (Tag der Arbeit)

Man fragt mich gerade: "Wieso geht dann keiner arbeiten?"

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Mittwoch, 26. April 2023

... one year ...


It’s by listening to the last opus of KS that I send this message of all my thoughts of an unconditional fan, 1 year after the death of this artist of genius….

In fact, Klaus has not disappeared so much its works are timeless « intemporels » , crossing musical eras, as points of reference in the world of music.... KS will remain incomparable given the diversity, creativity and richness of its compositions.

I also think of you, his friend and councilor of so many years. KS, the man who went to another place, leaves a big void... I hope you find comfort in your loved ones. I also want to thank you for maintaining the fan network through KS-circles.

Sincerely, Emmanuel

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26 avril

Klaus Mueller,
already a year since klaus schulze left.
We miss this musician.
His music was like an inner journey, and no other can make us dream like it.
It wasn't virtuoso prowess or material debauchery, it was simple inspiration and from the first bars our feet no longer touched the ground.
I am a painter and I have often listened to his music to get away from reality and reach the dreamlikeness of a much greater inner country.
I'm thinking of you who, in addition, have I think lost a friend.
And thank you for telling us about him for so long.
A friend, Etienne

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Hello, kdm

Thank you for your last KS Circle.
Today is sad day. One year ago KS past away. Today I play one my favorites tracks of KS.

Have a good day.
Greg / Warsaw

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Montag, 24. April 2023

Gegen den Wahnsinn

Hier wieder ein Hinweis auf eine normale Weltsicht.

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Samstag, 25. März 2023


. . . .. . . .. . . Quatsch mit Soße.

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