Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

Simple truths, pt. 17

Das Auge liest mit!

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Montag, 15. Januar 2018

Simple truths, pt. 16

The public grows with you. They like to hear you the way you came up. Once you've established yourself, they don't want you to get too far away from there... They often tell me "I have all your old records". It's dangerous to get too far from what they identify you with.. . . . . . . . . . . . (Jimmy Rushing)

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Freitag, 12. Januar 2018

(heute aus dem Fundus):

Der Bär braucht vor dem Winterschlaf
nur ein paar Socken (von dem Schaf),
ein Buch, die Wärmeflasche,
...dazu vielleicht ein Bier?
Dann kann er schlafen mit Plaisir!
To hibernate the coldest season
the bear has any reason.
Puts on the woolen socks,
takes the hot-water bottle, but...
...what's that mysterious box (?)

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Dienstag, 9. Januar 2018

So geht's doch auch:

show = Zeugs
show-business = Dumpfgekröse
talkshow = Peinlichkeitstreffen
fairplay = Lug und Trug
scene = Schwachsinn
management = Wirrwarr, Schaumschlägerei, Lotterleben
in & out = bescheuert / am Arsch
baby = Bankert
starlet = Krampfhenne
society = Geschwörl
High Society = adeliges Gesocks
relaxed = sauwohl
hard selling = Betrug
...meinte Eckhard Henscheid bereits vor 42 Jahren. Hat's geholfen?

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Samstag, 6. Januar 2018

Simple truths, pt. 15

It's not hard to draw the planets.
It's the empty space that's a problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Thanks to Max)

Look for yourself: Here.

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Announcement / Durchsage

All the drawings with the bear are made offhand by Julia , shortly before she leaves the house in the early morning, once (or twice) in a week.

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