Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

Not the newest (but the best)

Klaus' last studio album is nearly two years old ... but this just published review is worth a read.
(...same as the former articles about KS, by Tobias Fischer, such as this, or this)

... link

Samstag, 29. November 2014

The titles

To answer possible questions about the contents of the new album STARS ARE BURNING, here is a pic taken from page 184 of the detailed discography KS - THE WORKS:


The album is of course available worldwide from your trusted dealer. Hopefully soon (see entry below, of 18 November). And, yes, I have plans for additional releases of this kind. Hang on.

... link (2 Kommentare)   ... comment

Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Have you ever...

...asked yourself what happens in Klaus Schulze's head when he plays music? ...and what in your's when you listen? Then, watch these nearly five minutes (in English):
Less top-heavy is this touching explanation of (more or less 'classical') music.

... link

Freitag, 21. November 2014

sample vs. sampler

I just read on a (technically not very good) photo from the STARS ARE BURNING cover, on the German Amazon (as well as on the JPC.de) website:
"...formerly only released on a rare sample."
The title in question (only on the LP version) was of course on a rare sampler, with an "R" at the end :-)

... link

Vor 40 Jahren:

...notierte damals völlig zu Recht h.c. artmann. Ist's heute besser?

... link

Dienstag, 18. November 2014


Official release of the double CD "Stars are Burning" is the 20th of November. Dealers announce various (different) dates: between the 1st and the 15th of December they will have it on stock. The double LP will come officially on the 10th of January.

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