Sonntag, 13. Juni 2010

Arnold Braunschweiger

Habe meinem Sohn gerade erklärt, dass & weshalb Telefonnummern in USA-Filmen immer mit "555" anfangen... da seh' ich abends zufällig im TV den Film "Last Action Hero", und, was zum Teufel...? Genau dieser Hollywood-Kniff wird im Film erwähnt und mehr oder weniger ausführlich erklärt (der Film persifliert die und spielt mit den Mythen Hollywoods, vor allem denen der Action-Filme).

Nicely said (a quotation from Last Action Hero):
Nick: There are lots of things worse than movies: politicians, wars, forest fires, famine, plague, sickness, pain, warts, politicians...
Jack Slater: You already mentioned them.
Nick: I know I did. They are twice as bad as anything else.

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Freitag, 28. Mai 2010


Julia und ich, wir haben es endlich, endlich, endlich entdeckt, dieses sagenhafte Etwas, über das jeder munkelt und auch jeder eine Meinung hat. Auf dem Weg zum Billard-Spielen fanden wir es verschämt versteckt in einer schmuddligen Berliner Häusernische:


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Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010


The PC is here again and the whole day I tried to put my "old" programmes and files on the new harddisk; mostly I was succsessful (or just lucky).
Not yet working: My beloved text programme "WordPerfect 12" (for The KS Circle, which should be written, printed & posted in the next few days) and "Photoshop CS" (not quite so important) ... because both do not accept my six years' old serial numbers/codes.
Of course I can use Microsoft's "Word" for doing the "Circle" (it is waiting for me on the harddisk), but I'm used to & I love WordPerfect, 'cause I use it since 1992 and know it throughoutly.
PS: Thanks to Julia, I have now WordPerfect again.

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Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010


One week ago my PC's harddisc went on strike and now my daily tool is in the hands of a specialist here in Berlin, because this time even PC virtuoso Lennart in Tuebingen could not help me via the telephone, as he kindly did, and always successfully, during the last 16 years.
Meanwile, in these dreary days I am allowed to use Julia's laptop, but only during the small time she's not using it and out of house (at the moment she's buying a table-cloth at a shop in Friedrichstrasse).
Of course, all my addresses and other helpful data are NOT on Julia's Samsung, which isn't really positive for my daily work. Let's hope that I can at least finish the June issue of THE KS CIRCLE in time... If not, then you know at least why.

PS, 21 May: I just was told that I will get back my necessary tool only on next Tuesday (25th) ...hopefully with an intact hard disk that includes all its former contents.
PPS: The new table-coth (Tischdecke) looks much better than the old one. Julia has a good taste and hand for such things.

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Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010

Yesterday was Richard Feynman's birthday

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