Freitag, 2. August 2024

Gilt noch heute

Franz Grillparzer: "Tagebücher"

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band camp
dear kdm,
there was no comment option under:
so i try here ;)
i was wondering if bandcamp does not pay decently for downloads. i have read, they pay quite a lot.
could you please clarify? because buy music only on bandcamp because i want to support the musicians :)
thanks and best wishes, kai

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From downloads, the musicians and composers get just a fraction of what he received before from a selling of a disc, LP or CD. In short: from Euros to fractions of Cents.
Since the download fashion started, there were plenty of articles in the music (and other) press about the huge financial gap. I still have here a full-page article in the German "Süddeutsche Zeitung" from 5 November 2013, written by David Byrne of TALKING HEADS: "Das ist keine Lösung! Ein Aufschrei gegen die Musikindustrie, die Musikern die Lebensgrundlage rauben." ("This is no solution! An outcry against the music industry, which robs musicians of their livelihood.")
And it even became worse since.

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PS: The comment possibility on this site is off after a few days without any comment.

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dear kdm,
i was hoping to get some information from the artists perspective. just to confirm that this (average of 82% for the musician) is true ;)
if this is so, i don't understand why some artists are still trying to sell cds like der spyra.
have a great day! kai

btw: your article is 11! years old. which is medival in internet terms ;)

We believe that music is essential to humanity and that the welfare of the artist is paramount. The proof is in our business model: when a fan buys something on Bandcamp, an average of 82% of the money goes to you, and the remainder covers our revenue share and payment processor fees. In other words, we only make money if you make a lot more money. This alignment of interests is core to who we are and the greater mission we serve

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82% of what?
Klaus Schulze (and all the other professional musicians and composers I worked for) sold never music at "bandcamp".

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it sounds to me that its 82% of the price a customer pays:
when a fan buys something on Bandcamp, an average of 82% of the money goes to you (musician)
too good to be true?

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And who pays (in Germany, for example:) the GVL, the GEMA, the various taxes, the owner of the rights (maybe various composers, publishers, labels, producers, studio and studio musicians ... ) ...and who gives (and sells) the rights to other companies in film, advertising, etc...?

This "Bandcamp" method is not working for professional musicians on a professional basis. It's another world, the world of weekend musicians who want to show their music to some others, which is fine and it's good that there exists such a method.

The name "Bandcamp" was never mentioned to me in my 54 years inside the music business. For good reasons.

If you are happy with it, fine :-)

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thanks a lot for your insight in that matter!
i am no expert in that business but i really do not need any more cds on my wall and love to pay the musicians for their wonderful work. so right now bandcamp seems to me the best option, still. no ideal - but an option ;)
best wishes, kai

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Da hat der Schiller im Wallenstein den Oberst Wrangel was Unerhörtes antworten lassen, das völlig aus der Zeit gefallen ist: "Ich hab hier bloß ein Amt und keine Meinung."

Wallenstein, der katholische Heerführer, wollte wissen, ob der schwedische Oberst und Unterhändler Wrangel es gutheißt, dass der schwedische Kanzler seinem Feind Wallenstein die böhmische Krone anbietet.

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Ich dachte eher an "unsere" momentanen Politiker, Stichwort: Baerbock

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