Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011


(Disclosure: Yes, I'm a VAN MORRISON fan)
Recently I saw some videos on a fan site, showing duets by Tom Jones & Van Morrison, and a short research told me: it's taken from a film by a certain Mike Figgis:
RED, WHITE & BLUES // HOW BRITS RE-INVENTED THE BLUES. This DVD was available and it was very cheap, no need for me to copy the Van tracks from the web.
After I had watched the DVD on the whole, I noticed that the name of VAN MORRISON is not mentioned on it, not even in the printed list of songs/artists which are to hear. And VAN is a very prominent person and singer in this documentary film; included are three long tracks with Van's typical blues singing, also with Tom Jones (who IS mentioned not just once on the DVD packaging). In addition Van is shown and being heard with plenty of short remarks, in between!
These recordings are made especially for this documentary, in very good quality at the Apple studios, they are not available elsewhere.
The DVD is a very good and correct (!) history of the story how American black music overwhelmed a whole British generation (& a Kraut: me, around 1959/'60). But, why the heck, "Van Morrison" is not even mentioned on the DVD, at least not on the German packaging version.
...Contracts? False modesty? Simply forgotten?
