Freitag, 26. Juli 2024

> Dear Sir,
> I am a Klaus Schulze fan since my teenage time. I have an Apple Music subscription in Canada. I used to listen to some music however it is now showing not available in my country. Would you please make all KS albums available in Canada on Apple Music?
> Thank you in advance.

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Since the early seventies and still, the rights to sell the music of Klaus Schulze is given to record companies.They are responsible for all releases in all countries.
I am sure that Klaus' music is available in each and every country on CD.
For Canada, see here:

And, by the way, CD (& vinyl) releases are the only way for the artist to receive some real money for his work. In contrast to all the bloody download options - the musician hardly gets anything in return :-(
Therefore, musicians hate it !

Best regards,

... link

Samstag, 20. Juli 2024

From the Circle Archive

The KS Circle no. 53, January 2001

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Aus dem Circle Archiv

The KS Circle no.146, February 2009

... link

Samstag, 13. Juli 2024

... link

Montag, 8. Juli 2024

From the kdm Archive

Dresden concert rehearsal, 5 August 1989

... link

Samstag, 6. Juli 2024

From the Circle Archive

The KS Circle no.1, August 1995

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The KS Circle no. 6, March 1996

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The KS Circle no. 35, June 1999

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