Montag, 15. Januar 2018
Schulze-Geschichten gibt's unter dem Titel Wer Schulze heißt, muss was können. Die erstaunliche Klaus Schulze-Geschichte. Ich hab diese Biographie inzwischen erweitert auf 176 Seiten Din A4; sie ist gebunden wie "The Works" und "The Essential...". Siehe das Photo hier weiter unten. Alles in Hand- (und Kopf-) Arbeit. Etwa 110 Fotos lockern die Geschichte erläuternd auf.
The English version of Klaus' biography is not a strict 1:1 translation from the German, but was written independently (of course with the same facts): The Amazing KS Story is in the same format as "The Works" and "The Essential...". See pic below. THE AMAZING KS STORY has 168 pages and includes circa 100 pics to illustrate the private and active years of KS. All handmade.

The KS era, witnessed & a little bit co-shaped by kdm
These are the memories from all the years I have worked with KS, in the studio, the office, or on tour,
from the early seventies until the end of the millenium.
I had started to write it down in '86 and then - again and again - I added something...
Of course, I still work for Klaus' music. THE KS CIRCLE shows it, each month again.
I want to point out that I avoid promotion stories.
You'll find no myths and no legends among the 56300 words and the many pics...
...because the simple truth was often exciting & amazing enough.
erzählt (natürlich) die gleiche Geschichte (in 50.700 Wörtern), sie ist aber keine simple Übersetzung (solch Tun wäre mir zu langweilig) sondern ich schrieb sie separat.
Auch die etwa 100 Photos in beiden Bänden sind zum Teil unterschiedlich.
* * *
THE WORKS (Yes,still available in 2025 :-)
... is the detailed and complete K.S. discography (and much more) from the late sixties until the end of Klaus' life and beyond.
Also Klaus' activities outside recording & releasing discs are mentioned in this chronology:
concerts, interviews, radio and tv appearances, soundtracks, videos, etc.
Still today (2024) "The Works" is permanently updated by me, which means:
I send you the latest, newest edition, I print a "fresh" copy after your order.
At the moment it contains 890 records with the name of Klaus Schulze on it, including 151 samplers,
and 1750 titles, and 544 names, ...and all of it is indexed.
The huge & long main discography (etc.) is chronological from 1967 up to 2022.
And here is the complete "Table of Contents":

There is no joy in art & science without the detail !
PS: THE WORKS is not just a souvenir for 'fans' who would actually prefer to have a T-shirt.
It's a serious and very detailed inventory of Klaus Schulze's voluminous work over half a century.
No colour pics included. Just a few in b/w.
* * *
was a monthly newsletter (& much more), that existed for 28 and a half years, and
month by month I have sent a copy to all members of the Circle.
Each isssue had at least 12 pages, sometimes more.
(click ---> "useful links" ---> "The KS Circle" here at the left).
All in all I wrote & printed circa 4500 Circle pages.
Here is an example, a pdf of issue 240: 222402 (pdf, 1,667 KB)
The publication of the monthly "The KS Circle" ended in December 2023 with issue no.312.
But you can order "The Essence" of it in these thick books:
The four thick volumes of
... is the best of the Circle's twenty-eight (& a half) years in four volumes.
It contains: memories, thoughts, articles, letters, answers, quotations, reviews, discussions, many unusual pics, drawings, and other paraphernalia. Kluge, freche, absurde Bonmots über KS, die Musik und die Welt, in English & German (mixed, as in the original Circle issues... and also some bits of French, Italian, Spanish, when I quote an original source).
Issues no. 1 - 88 (1995 - 2003) 294 pages
Issues no. 89 - 177 (2004 - 2011) 294 pages
Issues no. 178 - 244 (2012 - 2017) 294 pages
Issues no. 245 - 312 (2018 - 2023) 294 pages
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All this is NOT to see or to read in the internet. Only on old-fashioned printed paper.
(After all, original printed data is available and readable for many centuries. Proven to be!)
Each book is handmade the day an order comes in. And send to you by Post/DHL.
Size of these books: 21 x 30 cm (= 8.27 x 11,69 inches)
The monthly 'The KS Circle': was half this size: 15 x 21 cm ...
( least from issue no. 41 on)
Each of these booklets is not free anymore.
Just send a mail to: kdm AT posteo D0T de
and I will explain to you.
Mention the country you live in,
because the amount of postage is an important part of the costs.
PS, August 2020:
Yesterday a new binding machine has arrived and THE WORKS as well as the other books are produced now in a hard cover.
Each book has a different original KS photo on front, from my own collection.