Donnerstag, 18. April 2024

From the Circle Archive

From The KS Circle no. 82, May 2003

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From The KS Circle no. 139, summer 2008

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Aus dem Circle Archiv

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Samstag, 13. April 2024

Aus dem Circle Archiv


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Donnerstag, 11. April 2024

From the Circle Archive

Early studio work

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The KS Circle 228

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The KS Circle no. 134

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From October '98, The KS Circle no. 29 (incl. at least one typo)

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Samstag, 30. März 2024

Dresden concert 1989, backstage

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The KS Circle no. 94, summer 2004

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Part of "Face of Mae West" from 1990 (La Vie Electronique Vol. 16)

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Samstag, 16. März 2024

From The Circle Archive
Historic concert poster, Berlin, more than half a century ago

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