Montag, 2. Mai 2016

Eberhard spricht Deutsch und ist immer noch sehr freundlich

For non-Germans:
Eberhard Panne was the sound engineer of the Panne-Paulsen Studio, where KS has recorded five of his solo albums in the seventies (from Moondawn to "X").
Some days ago Ebbi (as KS liked to call him) has told me that he had given an interview recently and it can be seen in the net. I don't know why the announcer likes to speak English; Eberhard at least, he speaks fully in German. It's worth to listen to him from minute 22 on.
Again for the non-Germans, let me translate a very short part of Eberhard's memories:

"At the university (circa 1961) we students all laughed uproariously when we were told that synthesizers can do music. This will never work!
And then, 15 years later, exactly this did happen. Klaus Schulze was (January 1976) in my studio and he did exactly what the teachers had prophesied to us. And he did it in such a genial way... He had never - never! - taken a sound from the synthesizer as it came out of the tool, he was always changing it; he was working detailed on each and every sound, which took a lot of time, but it was worth it. He did it in his special way that I have not seen or heard ever again." . . . "For me, Klaus Schulze is the genius of the three."
(Eberhard mentions also H. Grosskopf & M. Göttsching).

Look for and listen to Eberhard Panne who was forty years younger when KS started to work with him, ...and KS too.

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Samstag, 16. April 2016

Instead of KS ---> T.D. !

When they have heard of Klaus' serious sickness, Tangerine Dream agreed immediately to play instead in Stettin/Szczecin on the 9th of June. I'm sure that TD (and the Szczecin Filharmonia) will give more info in their websites. (Many thanks to Bianca and also to Georg for their generous help).
(19 April, 17:00)
Addendum, from the concert promoter in Poland:

Those of you, who would like to attend the concert: TANGERINE DREAM - THE QUANTUM YEARS - IN HONOUR OF EDGAR FROESE, are more than welcome. The tickets bought for the Klaus Schulze concert remain still valid.

Those of you, who prefer to return your tickets, please contact the Philharmonic ticket office. Returning tickets bought online should be done via the internet email: The refunds will be transferred to the bank account, from which the purchase was made.

PS: see also in the 'Kommentar'

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Mittwoch, 13. April 2016

The KS concert

Sad news:
The concert on 9th of June has to be cancelled because of medical reasons. The state of health will not improve in the foreseeable future. Klaus Schulze is in constant medical treatment.
... Which is, more or less, the translation from the (German written) medical certificate.

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Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016


In der offiziellen Klaus Schulze website haben wir bei "Mail to kdm" den Satz drin: "...please do not send a mail when you are not man enough to get an honest answer, which can be different of what you want and expect. In other words: If you accept just the one answer that you prefer, better don't start to write and ask."

Gestern Nacht schmökerte ich wieder mal in einem älteren Max Goldt-Buch ("Die Chefin verzichtet") - und WAS las ich da? Dies:
Man soll "Nicht fragen, wenn man eine andere Antwort als die, die man erwartet, nicht ertragen kann!"

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Freitag, 5. Februar 2016

Zeugen eines Jahrhunderts

  • "...und nur die Presse zeigt, wie dumm nur die Presse sein kann." (Harry Rowohlt)
  • "Selbst die Nachrichten die nicht in den Zeitungen stehen, sind erlogen." (Kurt Tucholsky 1925)
  • "Die Menschheit ist durch den Text der Zeitung bereits derart verblödet, daß sie ihn ohne Bilder nicht mehr verstehen kann." (Karl Kraus 1924)
  • "Er lügt wie gedruckt." (Volksweisheit)
  • "Er ist dumm wie drei Journalisten." (Ich find die Quelle nicht mehr)
  • "Jedes Wort, das er [der Journalist] spricht ist Lüge." (K.K.). "Dergleichen ist heute, annähernd ein Jahrhundert später, fast Allgemeinplatz." (Eckhard Henscheid)

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