Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2020

From an older issue of "The KS Circle" ... (Nostalgic recollection, pt. 29)

... In art it's not so much "what" is done - but "how" it's done. The way of realization is important. Not the topic is important, but the artistic presentation.
. . . .It's the content, the substance that influences us. Which is only possible through form, and the impact is more intensive the more perfect the form is (in which it appears). "Form is the peak of contents" said Hebbel. The primacy of form was always inexplicable to the masses.
. . . .Artistic standards are purely of formal nature, hence how an artist shapes and manipulates, how he accomplishes atmosphere, how he creates tension and excitement, how he produces transitions, blendings, nuances and how he avoids the obvious...
. . . .In art, the "what" isn't so important because this was and is repeated many hundred times - it's the how, the form of the statement. In art, it's the mastership that counts, not declarations.
. . . ."It does not matter what you do, but how you do it." (Fats Waller)

(from The KS Circle # 21)

... link