Freitag, 1. Dezember 2023

From another old edition of The KS Circle

. . . .I have found my old notebook (still made of paper) from the weeks before we did our “independent release party” for IC on the evening of the 31st of October ‘80. And I saw:
. . . .At this time we were searching for an 'artist name' for our friend Walter Bachauer whose first album we released one year later. In September 1980 he was still “Anna Konda”. Searching for another name, we scribbled down (not always seriously) the names: Grete Heiser, Bay Reuth, K.K. Du, Heinz L. Mann, Rod Z. Nase, Dia Betes (funny? just for Germans, if at all)... and Walter himself voted for “Marc O’Polo” until I told him that this is already used by a fashion company. Finally we used the German-English mix of Walter’s very own idea “Clara Mondshine”.