Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014


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Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014

Zum Jahreswechsel: Alles Gute !
wünschen Julia & kdm

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Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

Bin böse

Nicht über die Geschenke, achwo, nein, natürlich nicht.
Aber: nie wieder Weihnachten in dieser Pension im Harz, in einem Haus und einer Ferienwohnung vollgepackt mit kitschigem Nippes; dazu diese abgeschmackte Plastikbettwäsche im knalligen Blümchenmuster ...und dann noch: die Heizung war wohl an einen Zufallsgenerator angeschlosssen, der auf "sparen! sparen! sparen!" programmiert war; die Heizung also öfter aus- als anschaltete, brrrr...

kdm mit neuem - warmen - Hemd und neuer - warmer - Mütze; beides Weihnachtsgeschenke von Julia, die auch das Foto schoss

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Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

Not the newest (but the best)

Klaus' last studio album is nearly two years old ... but this just published review is worth a read.
(...same as the former articles about KS, by Tobias Fischer, such as this, or this)

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Samstag, 29. November 2014

The titles

To answer possible questions about the contents of the new album STARS ARE BURNING, here is a pic taken from page 184 of the detailed discography KS - THE WORKS:


The album is of course available worldwide from your trusted dealer. Hopefully soon (see entry below, of 18 November). And, yes, I have plans for additional releases of this kind. Hang on.

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Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Have you ever...

...asked yourself what happens in Klaus Schulze's head when he plays music? ...and what in your's when you listen? Then, watch these nearly five minutes (in English):
Less top-heavy is this touching explanation of (more or less 'classical') music.

... link

Freitag, 21. November 2014

sample vs. sampler

I just read on a (technically not very good) photo from the STARS ARE BURNING cover, on the German Amazon (as well as on the website:
"...formerly only released on a rare sample."
The title in question (only on the LP version) was of course on a rare sampler, with an "R" at the end :-)

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Vor 40 Jahren:

...notierte damals völlig zu Recht h.c. artmann. Ist's heute besser?

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Dienstag, 18. November 2014


Official release of the double CD "Stars are Burning" is the 20th of November. Dealers announce various (different) dates: between the 1st and the 15th of December they will have it on stock. The double LP will come officially on the 10th of January.

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Freitag, 7. November 2014

any help?

For the last 30 years I try to find this riddle's solution. This rebus was published in the literary book series DER RABE (The Raven, issue no 4) in 1983 and they ask: "The purely literary RAVEN puzzle. What basic sentence of the new literature is symbolized in this drawing? Solution in the next edition of DER RABE."


"Welcher grundlegende Satz der neuen Literatur versinnbildlicht diese Zeichnung?"

But in the next edition was just printed (I translate again:) "Because the riddle was so easy, we don't give the solution". Oops! And any following edition (up to no # 61 in 2002 when Swiss Haffmans closed down) didn't mention a word about this rebus. Also a search for Saul Steinberg showed many many drawings, but not this rebus. I even own books from him (I'm a fan), so he was not unknown to me. But the above...?
For 30 years I wonder... I even asked an expert recently, and he told me: the whole was maybe just a joke to fool the readers, the publisher (Haffmans) and his authors liked to do these things. Could be.
Any help? Sorry, I don't even know if the rebus' solution is in German or English, (...or Spanish? note the 'Arroz" = rice/Reis)

PS: The riddle is no more a riddle, see comments

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Donnerstag, 6. November 2014


Django Reinhardt wurde gerade in den 12-Uhr-Nachrichten des "Kultur"(!)radios allen Ernstes als "Meister des Flamenco" bezeichnet.

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