Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018


Politische Korrektheit ist die letzte Zuflucht für den Lump von heute. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Dushan Wegner)

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Another Jubilee

The 250th issue of my monthly brochure will be posted today to the few handful worldwide followers, supporters, enthusiasts, friends and lovers of Klaus Schulze's music.

This edition's content on 12 pages:
  • 250 issues, month by month
  • 50 Jahre lang Berufsmusiker (in German)
  • 43 years in Hambühren
  • 25 years of Silver Edition
  • 40-year-old recording by Robert Schröder
  • Kennerschaft vs. Unbefangenheit (in German)

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Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018

Simple truths, pt. 37

Der Himmel kann tun was er will, ohne dass ihn jemand daran hindert, besonders wenn es regnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Cervantes)

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Montag, 21. Mai 2018

The very first:

"Silhouettes just arrived and I am listening :-)
Please say THANK YOU for KS.
Best regards,
Greg M., Warszawa"

PS: "My first impression: Very nice relaxing music. I like it!"

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Samstag, 19. Mai 2018

Simple truths, pt. 36

Je größer die Kennerschaft, desto höher der Genuss. . . . . . . . . . . . (Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin)


Kennerschaft zerstört die Unschuld im Genuss. ... Nur der absolute Kenner, der mit der Tiefe seiner Kennerschaft eine Weisheit gewinnt, die ihm die Ursprünglichkeit der ersten Anfänge wiederschenkt: er kann wissen und genießen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Barbara Sichtermann). . . (& Heinrich von Kleist)

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Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2018

Kaffeekantate . . (der Bär singt)

Ei, wie schmeckt der Kaffee süße,
Lieblicher als tausend Küsse,
Milder als Muskatenwein.
Kaffee, Kaffee muß ich haben,
Und wenn jemand mich will laben,
Ach, so schenkt mir Kaffee ein!
(Picander / Bach)
Mm! how sweet the coffee tastes,
more delicious than a thousand kisses,
mellower than muscatel wine.
Coffee, coffee I must have,
and if someone wishes to give me a treat,
ah, then pour me out some coffee!

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Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018

Gestern haben wir einen Ausflug gemacht. Aus Gründen.
Siehe: hier

...und das Wetter & unser Kulturerbe genossen:


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Dienstag, 8. Mai 2018

Simple truths, pt. 35

Nichts können, aber laut sein. Diese Korrelation gibt's auch bei Musikern.

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Sonntag, 6. Mai 2018

da capo

Jede Wette:
bläst der Bär die Klarinette,
sind Has' und Igel plötzlich weg.
(...denn genau für diesen Zweck
haben sie 'n Geheimversteck)
Symbolic logic is in his blood.
That's why he plays
the woodwind in the wood.

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Der Bär liegt hier schon ein, zwei Wochen -
der Kaktus hat ihn keck gestochen!
A cactus is a dangerous stinger
not only for Julia's finger.

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Samstag, 5. Mai 2018


Die ander'n Tiere sind ja hübsch und nett -
Der Bär doch liebt das Selbstportrait.
All others may be cute and smart -
The bear is fond of his portrait format.

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Sonntag, 29. April 2018

Exactly 25 years ago...

... at the end of April 1993, I had finished the work for the first of our CD sets, SILVER EDITION, containing ten CDs with recent studio recordings of Klaus Schulze and a few older concert recordings. All previously unreleased.

Yep, at the end of April 1993 I had informed the press with an interest in this kind of music, which was at this time mostly the many e.m. fanzines in all corners of the world = I knew 58 different ones, from Agitasjon to Zenith. Also I informed a few hundred individual fans. I had many files filled with our collected letter exchanges; remember: this was a time without websites and mails. I had send them all a personal letter with the info about our SILVER EDITION offer. In some of the e.m. fanzines I also I booked (and paid for) a one-page advertising for SILVER EDITION. It was the very first time that in our genre such a set was released.

We have deliberately omitted the middlemen in this CD selling business: distributors and retailers. We delivered only to single people and to a handful of longtime friends who run a small 'private' mail order service (hello, Archie!). At this time we didn't know if our effort will be successful, if we will really find 2000 people willing to pay the circa 200 DM (100 € today) for such a special release. Luckily we were successful, even if the last - roughly one hundred - sets took a few weeks to find their customers... By the way: 85 copies of this set we have sent for free to journalists, some friends and a few musical collegues. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention: It was a huge success, critics and fans were thrilled !

Two years later I repeated this 10-CD set idea, this time with formerly unreleased historic recordings from Klaus Schulze's concerts or his studio, hence the title: HISTORIC EDITION. And another two years later I even produced a 25-CD set of unreleased music...

And now it's the 25th anniversary of SILVER EDITION.


The back of the 48-pages booklet

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