Mittwoch, 18. November 2015


Polish Circle member Greg just informed me that the concert on 9th of June 2016 is now SOLD OUT. The Philharmonic Hall's website says: "Liczba wolnych miejsc: 0", means: "Quantity of free places: 0".

By the way: ...there is still no contract signed (I have sent them a copy, more than six months ago :-)

PS 12 December: contract is signed.

... link

Dear Steve from the UK:

Among today's post was this "letter".


Sadly, I can neither decipher your full name ...ERETON, nor your full address somewhere in YORKS on the back of this little piece of paper.
Please, Steve, give me your full name and your address in a way I can read it; make it here in a comment, or with e-mail, or else. Otherwise I cannot address correctly the envelopes with the monthly "The KS Circle" - and the free CD-R - for you.
PS: You seem to be a new member because there is one "Steve" among the known members from the UK, but his surname is very different.

PS: Today - 10 December - I got his address.

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